Wednesday, May 7, 2008

HUGE day!

Today was such a sweet day for my good friend (and fellow photographer), Kim, as she and her husband Mike welcomed their new baby girl into the world. Being invited to witness and document such a day is an honor....and I thank you for trusting me to be there you guys!

Kim photographed the births of both of our kids, and I was there when her son Steel came into the world too. And I should say that I just barely made it this time! God-mother Jessica (who was charged with videotaping) and I rolled in exactly 25 minutes before this baby made her fast and furious entrance!

This precious girl's birth (she is so new that she is still unnamed.....Kim says they have been searching for the perfect girl's name for 2 years....and I swear I saw Mike surfing his iPhone for baby name sites today. LOL) was natural and beautiful. It was so neat to see the staff at Presby Dallas really embrace their birth plan and support Kim through a natural labor. You go girl!

A HUGE thank you to my wonderful clients that allowed us to reschedule our appointments for today...

phew! Glad we made it!

Look at this face!!! You are so beautiful...what is your name??

Daddy's iBaby

never fear...SuperBrother is here.


Anonymous said...

that precious baby in the "bow-hat" can't be just minutes old! What a beautiful family!

Weintribe said...

she is *darling*! I can't wait to hear her name!!!

Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie,

You were awesome and these pictures are amazing! I look forward to seeing them all! Thank you so much for taking the pictures of our new family member. We finally got a name for her. Akina Marie Wylie. Akina is Japanese for 'Spring Flower'. Its honors Kim's Japanese heritage in her family.


Mike Wylie - Akina's Dad

Anonymous said...

Ang- You are my hero. Arriving in the nick of time (sorry I went so fast!) and catching some of the most treasured images for me. You are not only an amazing and talented photographer but also such a dear friend. Thank you for being there for my family and THANK YOU to your shoots that were so understanding.

Love you girl!
Kim Wylie said...

Angela...great images and I have to say they moved me to tears because of how eloquent they were.
Is that a gorgeous darling wee bitty girl or what!?
Akina Marie...beautiful name for a beautiful baby.
You are so talented!