Monday, March 31, 2008

Wide eyes!

Two different babies, both with those big blue eyes!

Baby Boy Landry (3 weeks).....his mommy claimed there was no way he would ever go to sleep!

But that was before he was introduced to my space heater and womb sounds CD....


And Sweet Elle (7 months)


Last week we saw a few big boys with their tiny baby brothers:

Andrew (22 months) + Alexander (10 days)

Patrick (3 yrs) + Harrison (8 months)

Brandon (4 yrs) + Blake (2 months)

Friday, March 28, 2008


Sweet Jaden with his parents, at one year old. Such a pleasure to see this super friendly little guy again! We first saw him as a bump in mommy's tummy, then as a tiny newborn.

Coy Boy+ Brother

Here is the most expressive little guy....he acted so coy and hilarious the whole shoot! His big brother (one of 3 older siblings) came to the session, covered in PBJ from lunch and his mom was not at all thinking about pics of him, too. But since he was sporting those rockin' rain boots, a few snaps of him were in order...

Sunday, March 23, 2008



Sneak Peek March 23

Ever since we first saw this precious big sister as a newborn, I have been in love with her name.....Edie.

Named after her grandmothers, Elizabeth Diane is her full name. Edie is just about the sweetest 2 year old we have ever seen, and a wonderful sis to her tiny baby brother Alex.

We love their awesome parents (of Snappy Salads fame)....and appreciate all they are doing to take a stand in how they run their business in a yummy, conscientious way.

Here's a shout out to them going "green!"

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Yesterday Cal celebrated his big t-w-o by doing some of his favorite things:

seeing the fish

Eating "gakwee" (which is Cal's all time favorite word, meaning anything sweet or bread-y. A typical sentence from our linguistic genius sounds like this "humma hoona dono gakwee peese?" (loosely translated to gimme the cupcake before I loose it! PLEASE)

Jumping on the best birthday present in the whole world:

And generally loving on his new best friend, Jet. (Jet is hyper Rosie's new brother. We got this sweet, mellow 4 month old lab mix a couple weeks ago. The goal is to have Jet help c-a-l-m down Rosie and keep her from bolting out the front door each time it's opened the way Huskies do. So far, it's been successful in some regards, but the puppy pee and poop on the carpet factor is wearing on me.)

BTW, I love love his new T Shirt we found in Rosemary Beach. Check out all of Em Tanner's designs, I'd love to get a bunch for each kid for the summer.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We're BACK....

...from an amazing spring break at the beach. This was a kill-2-birds-at-1-time type of a trip. A really great time of family fun along with the added bonus of checking out our summer vacation/work spot of choice. I just have to say that if you have never been to Rosemary Beach, you just have to come meet us there in July. This place...the only word to describe it is idyllic. Park your car for the week, get on the bike (or in our case, tow your wagon loaded with 2 kids, 3 bags of beach toys, 4 towels, 1 very heavy camera bag, and a large plastic grocery sack of snacks) and away you go. The entire town consists of gorgeous (and I mean drop your chin on the ground nice) beach homes connected with wooden boardwalks, open grassy knolls for the kids to romp, fun shops, yummy eateries, one very amazing stretch of pristine beach.

While scoping the place out, we did find the most fabulous beach ever. Grayton Beach State Park is incredibly secluded, and perfect spot for our summer sunset beach sessions. It's just a short drive from Destin, Seaside, Watercolor, Alys Beach, Sandestin, Panama City Beach, and of course Rosemary Beach.

So twist our arms...we'll be back for 2 weeks in July, the 13-27th to be exact, and would love to photograph your family. Space is very very limited, so call Matt today to get penciled in. The same session fee and print prices apply as our regular Dallas sessions, but all beach sessions will include a complimentary photo beach bag from Gina Alexander. So cute!

And look what Matt captured!!! I am so thankful to have these images of my kids with me, the phantom mom who is always behind the camera. Thanks babe!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

last peek for a while...

Here we have my last sneak peek for a to Florida tomorrow (well make that in about 7 hours) for a trip I'm busting at the seams about. We're using this spring break as a scouting mission of sorts. (at least a great tax right off!) Be on the lookout for pics of my babies on the beach...a foreshadowing of our first annual beach sessions! We're planning for 2 weeks in July near Destin and will be opening up a very limited number of sessions at Rosemary Beach. Stay tuned for full details!

In the meantime, feast your eyes on two month old L and 18 month old L....

...and here is baby J......can't tell you happy I am to have these posted. Looking at this sweet as pie girl, I'm sure no one could imagine that her mom and dad spent a total of 5 1/2 hours at our studio (in 2 days time) to complete our session. This little one really liked to nurse, and was a little on edge on our first go around. Mom and dad really hung in there, and I am so happy to say that they will have a hard time choosing from the many great images we got. Finally!