Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Oh my gosh this is so hilarious! Guess which one is the baby brother who is SQUIRTING his twin sister? Yes, this little man peed about 20 times during the session. Poor dad, he seemed to be holding him every time! And poor sister. This was not the only time she got sprayed. What is it with those boys???

Sweet Sydney

We the ultimate pleasure of photographing Sydney and her family. She is a precious girl...and even through she cannot move on her own or talk the way we do, her smile speaks volumes. Seeing her family together in our studio deal with not only the many challenges of her Muscular Dystrophy, but also an adorable 6 month old baby brother was so inspiring. Thanks guys for trusting us to your family's portraits!

I am so behind!

I have been really behind in adding some of my favorite images from recent sessions, so here you go!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Just Another Day in the Park

Where was everyone today? Normally on a gorgeous spring day, the park would be crawling with other photographers, and we'd be all vying for our favorite spots. But not today! We had the whole place to ourselves and had two awesome shoots. How fun is this family? The baby smiled the whole entire time and cracked us all up. Big sis and big brother were equally adorable. I have the best job!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Got Reflux?

I see babies every day, and I am constantly amazed that so many parents are battling the same evil monster that we did with both our babies.....reflux. I thought I'd share the biggest blessing that happened to our family during that time: Pediatric Chiropractic. With Ava, she was 5 months old when we discovered Lomonaco Family Chiropractic in Highland Village. She had been medicated with Zantac for 3 months and while her symptoms were much better with the medication, I just felt awful about giving my tiny fragile baby an adult medication for heart burn. Within one adjustment we quit the Zantac cold turkey with no problems. (I had tried for months to wean her off the medication with no success). With Cal, he was born with such bad reflux that at the age of just 3 days he had to have an upper GI xray just to make sure that all the "plumming was right." I begged our pediatrician to give us through the weekend to begin the treatments and medication she wanted to prescribe to him, and we drove as fast as we could to the Lomonaco's. Again, we had great success and Cal is still drug free. We have learned so much about natural health care and maintenence of the immune system through these amazing doctors. In addition to helping to cure the reflux, our kids have had ear infections healed and allergies cleared. Its truly amazing to see such healing through a gentle treatment that helps the nervous system most effectivly run the other systems of the body. I really recommend looking into this treatment if your family is sleepless and your baby is miserable!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mom's Day (and Grammy and Mimi and Nana)

A New Studio!

OK, we are so excited because the dream has become the reality! The building of our new digs has FINALLY begun!! So hopefully by the end of the summer we will have an awesome new space to welcome our clients. The expanded studio will offer not only the dramatic lighting of our present studio, but also a HUGE north facing window streaming in amazing natural light. There will be an expanded gallery to help visualize your art, a kids play room (yea!) and a nice big office so Matt and the girls can really spread out....and they will all have their own desks! (I hear cheers from them too!) The new studio is actually located right next door. It will have a gorgeous wrap around porch where I cannot wait to photograph little ones...and on which I'll sip a little vino at days end. (I can't decide which I am more jazzed about.)

Oh my gosh I'm a blogger

I cannot believe that I am here...a blogger. I was never a diary keeper or a journal maker. I have not even filled in my kids' baby books! But here I am because I have things to share, and it seems I don't want to be the last human on earth without a blog. I have a great husband, 2 gorgeous kids and a business that has blessed us beyond reason. Life is good, and there's so much going on.

Here's an image from a session on Friday. This little girl is the same age as my son, and it was fun to see their similarities.....not walking yet, but full of joy at one year old!